Friday, June 22, 2007

Session 1 - Introduction

One of the things that stood out for me was when they were talking about how our foundation has to be built on the mind, not the heart because the latter is too easily swayed. So if we encounter difficult issues, the mind needs to be strong enough to override the feelings that may arise and want us to go the other way.

The other point was that all heresy comes from the Bible. A shocker at first, the comment is true because we all have our own interpretations of certain areas that are based on our religious backgrounds, social influences, familial upbringing, peers, the news, etc. For instance, the whacko who kills abortionist in the name of the Lord feels that he is biblically justified. Or the death penalty, which I kinda go back & forth on. Yes it was a biblical event, but now that we are under the New Testament of Love is it justified? Hmm.


Mark said...

Irenic, Polemic & Apologetic theology.

Irenic - done peaceably, representing all views even when you oppose them.

Polemic - theology done in a warlike manner WITHIN the Church, prophetically speaking against those with whom there is disagreement.

Apologetic - theology done to defend the faith against those that oppose OUTSIDE THE CHURCH.

Mark said...

From Key Terms section:

Polemic = warlike, black & white. Politics.

Irenic theology is more gracious & this is the way we want to go. We need to understand the other person's position just as well as they understand it, but we can't do that when we focus entirely on the Bible & nothing else/individualistic. Our foundation can become so much more stronger when we are willing to listen/understand other positions. Some may even prove certain beliefs we have to be false. Others may enable us to more deeply study & examine our beliefs & ultimately strengthen them.

Good theology is not within individuals but better found within community of others who are Spirit-filled. My thought: there are 4 Gospels of Jesus, not one. Each offered different perspectives.